Fake or Counterfeit perfume

Perfumes and fragrances have been some of the most vulnerable products to be affected by counterfeiting. Modern digital imaging and printing techniques have made it possible to produce highly sophisticated knock-offs which are often identical replicas of the leading perfume brands. Though many fake fragrances are produced locally, many fake versions of famous perfumes are imported from places like the Middle East, Thailand, China and Turkey.

Health Implications
Fake or Counterfeit Perfumes are reported to contain chemical ingredients that can be harmful for the human body. Few reports have even detected traces of urine in fakes, as it is a common substitute for the proper stabilizers used in genuine fragrances. Some of the common side-effects caused by fake perfumes include headaches, sinus problems, rashes and itching, skin burns, respiratory problems and even infertility and cancer. 

Apart from posing serious health risks to users, fake perfumes reduce the margins of legitimate companies, and in turn result in a loss to the economy in terms of lower wages, lost jobs, less growth and lower budgets for R&D. Far worse, many a times the funds gathered through selling these fake items are used by criminal organisations for expediting their illegal activities like money-laundering and terrorism.

How to recognize real perfumes from fake perfumes and colognes? 
Fragrance counterfeiters have mastered imitation. They are able to replicate the designer brand perfumes and their packaging with almost complete precision. However, compared to the designer brand fragrances, fake perfumes last for far less time, mostly an hour or two. The users may not discover they have bought a fake until they have applied the fragrance. Most of the times, the result becomes evident quite early on, with the smell not lasting beyond a couple of hours, or worse, a sudden outbreak of an allergic reaction. The result becomes even more evident in the due course of time as the product changes its physical form, breaking down and leaving an oily alcohol that does not smell good. 

Stay tuned for next article about how to spot a FAKE perfume. Get your favorite perfumes and colognes at Ixora Creations, everyday on sale!

Source : eternalvox.netfragrantica.com

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